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February 15th – March 15th 2020
Carlos Amorales, Are You Happy Now?, February 2020
20 silhouettes of human figures, each one holding and presenting an abstract window grid, sprayed directly on the gallery wall and on canvas. Together the silhouettes are the after-image of a mysterious ritualistic performance. The postures slightly choreographed, reminds us of the gestural body language of the victims of Pompeii and Hiroshima, and a baroque effect.

The object presented to us by the figures on the wall are the negative silhouettes of window-rails that the artist found while walking around the streets of Jaffa. The rails’ designs are nineteenth and twentieth-century eclectic style motifs that have been reduced to become architectural decoration, but that perhaps once had a symbolic meaning that now has been forgotten. The figures are offering us both a literal window into the imaginary world and a graphic system that may be de-codified and reactivated. At the same time, one has to remember that these human silhouettes stand behind bars, imprisoned on the canvas and the walls.
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