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December 15, 2023 - March 2, 2024

And the Land will be Our Comfort, Installation view.
And the Land will be Our Comfort, Installation view.
Ido Gordon, Hallelujah, 2024. Screen print on paper, Silver powder, masking tape.
Drora Dominey, Shuddering Window, 2024. Mylar films, concrete blocks, printed stones and bronze
And the Land will be Our Comfort, Installation view.
Moshe Kupferman, Untitled, 1996, Oil and crayons on Mylar
And the Land will be Our Comfort, Installation view.
Moshe Kupferman, Untitled, 50 x 65.5 cm, Screen print on paper.
Ido Gordon, Hallelujah, 2024, Screen print on plexiglass, foam boards.
Ido Gordon, Hallelujah, 2024. Screen print on plexiglass, foam boards. Detail.
Ido Gordon, Hallelujah, 2024. Painting, wooden frame and foam boards
Moshe Kupferman, Untitled, 20 x 30 cm, Screen print on paper.
Moshe Kupferman, Untitled, Oil and crayons on mylar and paper.
Moshe Kupferman, Untitled #36, #37, 1997-8. Screenprint on paper, 168 x 128 cm.
And the Land will be Our Comfort, Installation view

Elizabeth Bergner 8, Jaffa, Israel
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